Il est son grand amour pour le moment.. (He is her love right now)

Thursday, January 29, 2009


oh shyt! in less than 48hours, im heading off to BU and back to college..accounts homework still seems untouchable..i had THE 'conversation' with me parents a few days back..

to my amazement,i had the guts to ask my mom for a bicycle..(actually i wanted to ask for a scooter instead,but i know if i did, her answer would be NO!) dont really know where the heck i got those nerves to asked her such was as if im jumping off a cliff to even cross the word 'scooter' in front of her..she usually would freak out and says.."its so unladylike for u to ride a scooter"
..and so as if i were smart enough to outwit my mom, popped the sacred question and held my breath for 5 seconds..

"mak..fatin mau basikal laa..boley x?"

her reply will never change..a solid NO NO would be her typical remarks..she questioned me that how on earth would a girl cycle to college?its so dangerous out there..
(an agonizing fact that she doesnt know is that almost a quarter of my GIRL friends rode to college..)
here comes dad with his 1million-worth question..he said that why dont I buy u a scooter?
my heart was jumping and my feet was thumping, i cooly answered him with a "huh?betol ke ayah?"( i managed to control myself not to sound overjoyed) he said why not?it has engine at least..

at least now i know i have to deal only with my MOM..

suddenly the atmosphere stepped in and objects..she said NO! (for the 100th times)
~there goes my dreams all shattered into a thousand pieces..she said im willing to buy u a car instead of a bicycle and a scooter..i am not content at all by her generous offerings..

  • i dont need a fancy car
  • im not looking for a four-wheeled monster
  • im a scooter fanatic
  • i dont want to be a Prima donna and that ladylike
  • i have a class D driving license and i wanted a class B one

"ALL IM ASKING FOR is A decent BIKE!!"


natto said...

u are diffrent from me then!
i'm not much a craze of scooter,
i just need a mini cooper!!!!

waa~ it rhymes!!! (bodow gile :P)

fatin_banana said...

ow mini me..yea its cool tho natto..but im not into THAT!
*sobs sobs*

| c o r v u s | said...


a mother is always concern about her childrens safety.

Mak aku pun x suke aku bawak moto smpi skarang (even aku ni lelaki)
Smpi mak aku sanggup belikan aku Honda Civic,hhhaa
tapi aku tolak sbb my passion is on bikes.

Sabar je laa,
p/s:Your father is just as same mine, support from behind, hhaha

fatin_banana said...

at least ajim,u have a bike..
for me,it still remains as a dream..


| c o r v u s | said...

kalo aku kan,
aku akan citer kat mak aku yg aku kat KBU slalu bwk moto petang2,

then citer aa nice2 mcm
"nasib baik ader moto kwn, kalo x mesti lambt pi kelas"
"bas shuttle lmbt, nasib baik ader motor kwn, kalo x kene tunggu berjam2"

Seriously it will work,
Jgn bukak topik mcm ni terang2, selitkan masa tengah mkn ke, bile2 ke

fatin_banana said...

cane ajim??
aku xgeti laaa..aku ckp gak tumpang indra jek..
ko tau pe mk aku ley jwb?

"haaa?indra lg..xde laki laen ke?"

| c o r v u s | said...

*guling2 gak*

ayoyo susah gak nih

x minat kete langsung??

fatin_banana said...

ko tiru gelak guling2 aku ajim!
huuu~ bluekk
keta?xmo ah..NAK MOTO!!

| c o r v u s | said...

ayoyo x dpt tolong aa camni

kalo x boley aa amik kete yg ladies skit
cam mini clubman (bukan mini cooper OK), beatle VW

fatin_banana said...

VW beatle??
me lyke!!!
haha..klu ade kaler pink,,lg cun ^.^

| c o r v u s | said...

aper lagi, angkat aa satu

Indera said...

Apekah maksud mak kau tu takde laki laen ke??

Urm.. Ayah memang memahami, tetapi Ibu memang penuh keraguan dan kegusaran..

Actually, kes aku pun same je cam Ajim ni.. Mak aku pun bukannya suka sangat kalo aku nek moto..

Tapi aku membuktikan yang aku boleh menggunakan moto tanpa eksiden, tanpa masalah dan menjaganya dengan baik..

Keyakinan itu perlu ditanam dan disuburkan kerana hasilnya adalah lame..

Takpe Fatin, x rugi pun kalo x de moto sekarang.. maybe its because ur family xde sorang pun yang pakai moto.. thats why Mak ko cam x caye je ko leh bawak moto..

| c o r v u s | said...

btul2 ckp mr indera tu
kene convince mak bahawa
"aku penunggang paling berhemah"

hari masih muda
nanti dah besor boley beli moto sendiri, x de sesape nak halang

fatin_banana said...

aku salu sebot name ko kt uma..sbb byk tolong kn..tu yg mk aku ckp,xde laki len ke?
haha..yg mase nk kwa ngn ko ajin n nad g CS tu pon mk aku ckp..asik2 indra je..

pasal moto nih..aku bia je la tu jd impian yg x kesampaian..wuwuwu~
tp, kn mak aku tatawu aku kt cni nek moto ko taw..haha

nnty aku da beso aku nk bwk big bike!
a huge one..aha.
baru besh kn..

| c o r v u s | said...

camtu aa baru best
baru ladiessss

fairuz said...

nak pnjam bike i??
i ny yg bkilat dpan grill tuh..
klau nk bley je, tp kne mintak kbnaran mr syphilis dlu..

fatin_banana said...

wah3 mentang2 bike baru fairuz...mula nk show off!!
huhu..ala msty mr.syphillis xkasi..
da la aku ckp buruk sal die..>.<

fairuz said...

my syphilis is angel..
*is there guy angel??*

fatin_banana said...

ee..guy angel?
he must be gay..haha
xla kidding..u are no more mrs.syphillis cz u had a baby remember??^.^

mon amour

mon amour
la familia

crazee peeps

crazee peeps
housemats..(ain xde)

RSVP muah

Il est son grand amour pour le moment.. (He is her love right now)