Current mood : SOMBRE
i reli need to express my feelings rite now..911! im in dire need for help..:( just came back from a long day at college with loads of accounts homework n 2 other classes..i just feel like hitting the sack rite now..its nothing about college and those tonnes of homeworks..its about an incident rite after my last lecture..
and so it begins...as i was waiting for the van to get back home,,this one guy approaches me
(he who might not be named..let's call him MR.X)
mr.x came up to me n said.."fatin i have something to say to u' *he politely say* n so i answered with my usual blurred face..he then backs away saying that 'its ok..xpe lah..xde ape2..just forget it'
i was like o-kay..whats his problem?! i then urge him to speak up..he then got the nerve n spoke "i reali think you need to maintain ur figure..keep ur shape..u need to jog..why dont we go to the park and play basketball this wednesday?" i can see that he's partially blushing underneath..
oh GOD!! why does MARTIANS(XY species) doesnt know that these issues are kinda sensitive to us,the females??i am taken aback and just managed to smile at him..i answered politely "umm..xpela MR.X, fatin xsuke the outdoors laa..xmo jog and xnk la main basketball"
he just gave me a nod and i sped off to sherry..his words were venomous..it kept haunting me..why does he even bother about my figure?! who does he think he is..maybe im being irrasionale and emotional..but i dont know what his motives were about..why me? of all the girls he could keep an eye on,n he chose me! why am i the victim here?
and so here comes the van...inside the van,, MR.X say to me again.."umm fatin..jgn lupe..xmo mkn nasi byk sgt..u have to maintain ur shape" my dear fren(someone not to be named too) then answered.."why are u so concern about HER figure??" mr.x then shyly just changed the subject matter to sherry..i was like..o-kay enough already! am i that hideous or bad-looking??
sometimes guys are being inconsiderate and COMPLEX without they even notice it..they're one tough creature to be explained..and i can say that they all are a huge pain in the arse! they just dont get us and they claim that THEY understand..but actually,they dont! sheesh! i wish that they'd all vanish to planet MARS!!! :( now i dont know whats wrong with me..or its just HIM!!
and so it begins...as i was waiting for the van to get back home,,this one guy approaches me
(he who might not be named..let's call him MR.X)
mr.x came up to me n said.."fatin i have something to say to u' *he politely say* n so i answered with my usual blurred face..he then backs away saying that 'its ok..xpe lah..xde ape2..just forget it'
i was like o-kay..whats his problem?! i then urge him to speak up..he then got the nerve n spoke "i reali think you need to maintain ur figure..keep ur shape..u need to jog..why dont we go to the park and play basketball this wednesday?" i can see that he's partially blushing underneath..
oh GOD!! why does MARTIANS(XY species) doesnt know that these issues are kinda sensitive to us,the females??i am taken aback and just managed to smile at him..i answered politely "umm..xpela MR.X, fatin xsuke the outdoors laa..xmo jog and xnk la main basketball"
he just gave me a nod and i sped off to sherry..his words were venomous..it kept haunting me..why does he even bother about my figure?! who does he think he is..maybe im being irrasionale and emotional..but i dont know what his motives were about..why me? of all the girls he could keep an eye on,n he chose me! why am i the victim here?
and so here comes the van...inside the van,, MR.X say to me again.."umm fatin..jgn lupe..xmo mkn nasi byk sgt..u have to maintain ur shape" my dear fren(someone not to be named too) then answered.."why are u so concern about HER figure??" mr.x then shyly just changed the subject matter to sherry..i was like..o-kay enough already! am i that hideous or bad-looking??
sometimes guys are being inconsiderate and COMPLEX without they even notice it..they're one tough creature to be explained..and i can say that they all are a huge pain in the arse! they just dont get us and they claim that THEY understand..but actually,they dont! sheesh! i wish that they'd all vanish to planet MARS!!! :( now i dont know whats wrong with me..or its just HIM!!
sorry gelak, hahhaa
*can't stop laughing, help me(no offense)*
ader gak ek orang camtu
maybe mamat tu 'mat kepit',
you know what I meant, right??
To them, it is okay to say something like that to the girls.
p/s:aku blaja hurup baru ari ni, sombre.thanks
GUYS are JERKS!! :(
mr.x jht..npe die kesah psl aku..sibuk..aku tau ar aku xsuke outdoor sume..tp xkn la laki xphm2 psl isu sensitive ni...
mat kepit tu ape lak? :(
patut aa x jumpe kat tmn aritu
mat kepit = mat lembut
mcm mak andam ckp
"eh, you kene maintain bdn you tu"
*baca ngan tone mak andam*
p/s:dier tu lack of communication. rekomen aa buku men from mars, women from venus" ko kat dier,
ko ni ajim..aku nga geram+sedey ley wat lawak ngn buku mars tu! ee theres nothing wrong with him..mr.x serumah dgn INDRA!! huuu~ die ok..tp die attack aku!!!!!!!!!!!npe aku??
sowii..ko tpakse dnga luahan hati busuk aku ni..wuwu~
abih aa ko
dier akan jadi huhahuha version 2,
dier malu sbb.....lapoubellesale.blogspot.com
you get it right??
teka jer.
Rasenyer samer cam kes aku kot. Get ready!!
NOOOO...he cant be!!
one huhahuha is enough..i dont need 2~..waaaa
abih aa ko
nanti dier wat lagu tuk ko lak
ala ajim bising ah ko..xkn la MR.x reti wat lagu..haha
aku shuke org wat lagu tok aku..sweet..(xpna pon)haha..tp aku xnk mr.x! bluekk eeeee
ko rajen ek layan aku..aku suke ar kwn ngn ko!!mcm indra..sme species
ni pun terpaksa layan
bluekk..xya ar lyn klu gtu!!
good day..tata~
hurm............... :( *nodd
Wow2.. Mr. X sure did something really big here..
Should I pass him mars and venus??
Dont put all the blame on mars my dear.. venus also do the wrong thing that makes mars become not 'him'..
u know what i mean..
in mars, venus are complicated.. on the other hand, venus think that mars are jerk!! so, whats the verdict?? this matter never ever gonna end.. its sumtin subjective..
its solely about how a martian applies those skills in everyday life and basically it is just an additional knowledge.. it depends on individual.. you cant expect somethin sweet from him.. be nice with him and make him feel better when talking to you..
just get along with Mr X and dont make him felt guilty bout this, will ya?? ^___^
p/s : should i consult Mr. X about this matter?? do you mind if i do it??
no indra dont! u dont even know who mr.x is..:(
huuuu~ x(
i know Mr. X!! I always study and lepak with him.. ^___^
i know him better than anyone else in KBU.. kui3..
indra!! noooo..cane ko tau?? :(
jgn btaw org..cpt pomiz!!!
dont worry.. no one knows bout this..
i havent spoken a word to anyone regarding this matter..
promise!! i'll tell no one!! u have my words.. ^___^
i hope ur a man of ur word indra..u better be!! coz i trust u
nak tau saper Mr.X
nanti aku on YM aku ko bagitau ek
indra jgn!! jgn btaw ajim kepoh!! u promised T.T
i trsuted u!! no indra noo :(
ajim jgn ah..
Ajim sorry.. promise is a promise.. I'm a man of my words.. I have promised her not to tell anybody..
Once I broke my promise, I can never be trusted again.. so please understand my situation Ajim..
I know you can.. thank you!! ^___^
thnx indra!! ure soo shweet~
fatin banana!!!
fatine martienne.
ayat2 k0 mmg ayat2 chenta la.
huh..re..0ps! indera nh dr.chenta bass eh??
k0 aja la bass jiwang2 nh.keras sgt bass nh.
indra's not so bad with the girls..haha..siwius..we all lov him~
hahahaha sengal~
hotak kau ayat2 cinta..
berpegang pada janji kan salah satu nilai murni yang diterapkan melalui pengajaran Islam..
aku doktor chenta?
aku cam budak-budak ko tau tak!! kalo ko tanya Fatin aku camner, mesti korang ketawa.. seriously..
arrghhh malunya~
siap jadi perbualan dinner di rumah fatin lagi orang yang bernama Indera.. Fatin gossip ape ntah pasal aku.. ishh.. malu gile ar kalo diingat2 balik..
haha..ktowg pompuan shuke nyusahkan indra klu kt kolej..indra lak jenis lyn jek..tu yg besh..haha
klu bual2 mshty ade terselit nme indra..huhuhu
semua pompuan sembang & sebut2 nama indera ??
x leh jadi ni
nanti bukak aa topik psl aku lak masa sembang ngan pompuan2 lain
aku nak famous!!!
ala ajim..indra ni kn suka tolong and layan pale pompuan..tu yg aku shuke sebut2 nme die(bkn aku je)..wee~
cane aku nk fames kn ko??ko xpna dtg uma aku! haha
buat aa topik perbualan cam;
"you tau x ader sorang kwn indera AJIM namenyer baik hati, penyayang, pemurah etc etc"
p/s:alaa, x kan x reti bodek kot, hahha
haha..ajim2..shuke publisiti rupenye ko ni ea..lawak ah..
nme ko ade disebut2 jgk kt student house..tp xley bg tau sbb ape..ngahaha
name aku disebut gak??
well, you know me
mesti ko yg start bukak citer buruk psl aku kan?
citer aa
ne de aku start cte buruk..aku xingat spe yg stat..azreen kot..hahah
mne ley tau..ni secret dak rumah 67 ni..bluekkkk
ps:bkn bnde burok
wah2.. kalo berbual mesti ade name Indera?? peh.. menda la korang bualkan tu yea??
kau baik Ajim.. sape nak cite burok pasal ko lakk.. jangan takut.. kalo pun orang jahat ngn ko, aku akan sentiasa support ko di mana jua, asalkan ko be nice with me..
azreen start??
kalo azreen x pe
sbb aku trust azreen dari korang sumer
kan azreen kan kan??
p/s:mampus aku kalo azreen bace komen nih
aku kene lwn indera nyer populariti meter nih
perhh..trust azreen ek..
ajim gilaaaa...
ko kt sne ar popular..xya ar nk popular kt KBU gak..
sibukk je
maner ader popular
biasa jer
aku x popular laa Ajim.. aku cume dikenali je.. bukan popular pun.. yang popular tu orang lain laa.. bukan aku..
Aku dak skema je kat sini.. hish..
Kalo ko x caye ko tanye ar Sherry, Fatin dan rakan2nya..
aku biase je kat sini.. nothing special bout me~
same ar cam kat koleq dulu, kepala aku bengong2 sket + sengal baru la cukup perasa dan perisa utk manusia yang bernama Indera..
hoh! ape aku merepek sambil makan kerepek nihh?? layan~ zaz!!
ape kebende aa
p/s:otak aku ngah penuh ngan fender squire
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