Il est son grand amour pour le moment.. (He is her love right now)

Friday, January 23, 2009

far far away cont..

....people in far far away(now live house no 67) loves taking pictures..theres this one day,everyone wore black.(except for azreen & atiqah)..its just a coincidence and we didnt plan anything beforehand..

(l:r=athira,sherry,hani,atiqah,ME& fairuz :P)

2 of our neighbours(anis & liyana) too are photos maniac like us

OOo..theres azreen with her cuppa coffee(she's in pink)

we are the loyal customers to the cafe..(first day of college 2009)

thats about it..i mish them already~~


| c o r v u s | said...

citer ni ader sequal aa

Indera said...

Indera maner?? Sian Indera kena tinggal.. ish..

fairuz said...

lawa pics,ahakz!

btw, ad part cm goat, dat one i like..

huh said...
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fatin_banana said...

aaahhh fairuz!!!
mne de goat...bluekk
haha..tgk la camera spe kn fairuz..hihi
indra! ko xmek pix ngn aku pon..
btw,thnx for giving me a ride!!^-^

tiaazmi said...



| c o r v u s | said...

apsal pic ke 3 dari atas
ko wat cam kangaroo

Liyana said...

i can see me in the pic!!!

fatin_banana said...

alaa..ko nmpak aje ek ajim..
aku sje je nk feel jd kangaroo cane..haha

*toink toink*

| c o r v u s | said...


.::annemishi::. said...

ohno~~~ my pics... =D thxs fatin tlong promote... T.T. terharu deyh..

erm..apsal pic thira suma cam lawak?? nk tergelak aarh..

fatin_banana said...

anne..athira kn hyper di pagi hari~
sme je ngn ktowg sume..pantang nmpak camera >.<

mon amour

mon amour
la familia

crazee peeps

crazee peeps
housemats..(ain xde)

RSVP muah

Il est son grand amour pour le moment.. (He is her love right now)