ooh its saturday again! i had a date with sherry to the movies. Ms.Chan,our english lecturer said that we were having this assignment on the latest movie 'Australia'..we're done with book reviews n those journals..for this year,its kinda exciting coz we will be doing lots of movie reviews and films too! XD
we started off planning to go and watch australia with the 5 of us( me, sherry, atiqah, ain & jia-wern)..then ain said "saya balik minggu ni. sorri :(" onli left the four of us then..and so, i started planning to book for those tickets at the TGV..but then jia-wern said "sorri le fatin..i'm going back oso.." sheesh! now left the 3 of us! later on..atiqah gave me this news saying she had to go to the "save Palestin" campaign..i've tried persuading her not to go but she resist! oh what the heck let her save those palestinians then!
now its only me n the old sherry..XD oh yea..indra tagged along with us n his 4 alma mater(ajim,acap,spark).. OOpps correction, not 4 but 3(thnx ajim..bluek) I have very low expectations of this AUSTRALIA movie. i thought it would be those dull historical films and documentaries..alas,i was always wrong. it turned out to be a heart-wrenching and a very meaningful story! though with all of the best part being cut off,i would still give it a five! I now have a huge crush on Hugh Jackman's firm body!
if i put aside hugh jackman,the cutest character in this movie would be KING GEORGE!! oh hail him..he is the granfather of Nullah, the bomoh of the 'lost generation'..the funny part was when his butt showing offt at the end of the movie when he was supposed to take Nullah on a 'walkabout'..haha XD
for those who havent watched it, i'd say that u'll be missing the fun!! i didnt even have sleepy thoughts..its definitely a five!
us n his 4 alma mater(ajim,acap,spark).. I have very low expectations......
it was 3 instead of 4, maybe you saw another One *goosebumps*
biler sambung bace sampai low expectation, ingatkan mention about kitorang "I have very low expectations ABOUT THEM" rupe2 lain daa *fiuhh*
I posted something as a tribute to you and sherry at:
alaa...yela2..3 alma mater..puas??
bluekkk :P
aku xde low expectations kt korg laa...the movie i mean..hmm
woit!!!!watcha calling me old for!!!!hisy!u noe ,if u really do the math,UR the one who's OLD.not only are u 6 months older than me but u also happen to be da nenek in da house as well.look who's OLD now!!!!hahaha
no hard feelings sherr..=.=
thank god
sibuk je ajim..bluekk x__-
lets catch another movie together next time!! hihihi ^___^
xmo ngk ngn ajim!!!! bluekkk
another movie??
nooo indra~ noooooooo :(
oi2.. Indera ade satu je.. nak tgk movie same2 pun rilek ar..
p/s: tgk cite ape Ajim??
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